#1 Eagle Bright Eyes
While this is one of the simplest of all tricks, anyone who does not know it
will be decidedly puzzled.
When you have shuffled the pack, put it face-down on the table. Then
have someone draw any card from it, look at the card, and show it to
everyone but you; then they must put it at the bottom of the pack.
While your back is turned, someone cuts the cards, placing the bottom
part on top, so the card selected is somewhere (you do not know where) in the
middle of the deck.
Now you take up the cards and, beginning at the top, deal them off, one
by one, throwing them face-up on the table. And when you reach the one
selected, you astonish your audience by saying, "That is the selected card !"
How did you know?
Here's the secret!
You knew the card that was on the bottom of the pack at the beginning,
because, having "eagle-bright eyes,"you slyly looked at it when you finished
shuffling and before you put the pack on the table. When the card you saw on
the bottom turned up as you dealt, you knew the very next card would be the
one selected, for it was placed immediately below the one you saw when they cut the deck!
Try this out a few times by yourself before you show your friends and family. Once you've done it a few times, you will see just how easy it is and how baffeled your audience will be.
Have FUN!
Tony The Trick